Myths about Commuting by Bike
Busted! When it comes to biking in the city, there seem to be quite a few narratives floating around. We are here to debunk those myths and create a better, safer, and more honest biking community by shedding light on the realities of commuting by bike versus car.
Walking With A Purpose: Health Benefits To Walking to Work
Walking to work can be an enjoyable experience, but did you know that it provides a plethora of health benefits, too? Here are a few ways this method of commuting can positively impact your lifestyle.
Case Study: Life of a One-Car Family
What is it like to be a single-car family in Memphis, TN? While owning only one car may not be the most convenient way of living, it certainly saves on gas and maintenance expenses. Success entirely depends on the work schedules and daily flow of your family – but it is possible! Curious?
Bike Lanes You Might Have Missed
Since motor vehicles are the main transportation method within the Memphis city limits, sometimes it is easy to forget all the bicycle-friendly lanes and paths the city has to offer. We have compiled a list of a few of the pleasant and practical bike lanes throughout the city, ranging from Downtown all the way to Shelby Farms and beyond!
Bicycling In The Dark
Biking home after a long shift can be relaxing, but it is important to be prepared for your commute, especially at night. Bicycling in the dark can present a new set of obstacles for you and other bikers and drivers nearby.
Bicycling with your Pup
We once had someone reach out to say that a bicycle to commute wasn’t an option for them. That could have been, but we asked a few more questions to see why she felt that way. As it turns out, her dog joined her in the office each day. How was she supposed to carry her pup with her if she rode a bicycle?
Commuting by Bus in Memphis
Commuting is a huge part of the American workweek, and public transportation plays a major role in getting us from point A to point B. Families, individuals, communities, and businesses all benefit from a good public transportation system. A lifeline for millions of Americans, it connects us to people, places, and possibilities.
Small Changes to Make Your Commute Eco-Friendly
Are you interested in making your commute more eco-friendly, but aren’t sure where to start? Fortunately, there are several easy, small changes to make your daily commute more sustainable. Of course, for single-occupancy vehicles, you will make the biggest impact by taking advantage of walking, biking, using public transit, and carpooling. Even if you are already using those environmentally friendly options, however, you can still make some additions to make your routine a little more green!
Benefits of Biking to School with Your Kids
Life is busy and free moments are few and far between. So let’s make the most of the time we do have! Believe it or not, taking your kids to school is an easy way to work in some activities that don’t usually fit into your schedule.
Tips for a Safer Walk to Work
Walking to work has many benefits, both for you and the environment. Walking is a low-impact exercise that helps improve cardiovascular health, reduces the risk of chronic health issues, and improves overall fitness levels. As an added benefit, a stroll to work can reduce stress and anxiety, improve your mood, and give your brain cells a boost.
Tips for Multi-Modal Transportation
Does the idea of a no-car commute overwhelm you? Then think of your commute in steps! Multi-modal transportation involves more than one form of transportation in a single commute. This may include walking, bicycling, riding the bus, or driving.
Bicycling Tips: How to Carry Stuff
When people are asked why they commute by car, one of the most common answers is that “it’s just easier.” Many factors lead to this view. While we can’t address them all in a single blog, we can take a look at one of them! Commuting via bicycle can be challenging when you are bringing along some extra cargo. Say you are grocery shopping and know you will have bags when returning home. It’s easy to rule out bicycling because you have nowhere to put the bags. While a bike doesn’t have a trunk, there are a lot of ways to make some space. Here are a few of our favorite ways to carry things on a bike.
Riding in the Heat
Summertime is for sunshine, fresh air, and bike rides. The nostalgia of peddling around the neighborhood on summer vacation can inspire almost anyone to brush off the dust on their two-wheeler and head out for a spin. Almost anyone. Summers in Memphis are not always forgiving to those who long to be outside on a bike regardless of the temperature.
Bicycling in the Rain
Picture this: you are halfway through a ride when the rain hits. There is no quick escape. Your shirt is sticking to your back and you can feel the water seeping through the holes of your helmet. You get to your destination and you are drenched from head to toe. Sound fun? We don’t think so! No matter how many times you check the weather, it can change at the drop of a hat, leaving you to search for the nearest towel.
Roller Skating to Work
Yes, you read the title correctly! While you may think of roller skating as just for fun, just for kids, or just for exercise, with a few precautions, you may want to add the activity to your list of commuting options.
How to Bicycle Safely Without a Bike Lane
For many bicyclists, the presence of cars is a huge concern. Larger modes of transport beside you on the road can seem threatening. The threat gets even bigger when there is no bike lane and you need to share the road. But sharing one road shouldn’t keep you off two wheels! While you can’t control what cars do, here are a few things you can do to stay safe.
The Downtown Mobility Center Promises Great Things for Memphis
Parking is a major problem for many commuters, especially those who live in or commute to downtown Memphis. A new development at Beale and Main promises to bring relief to downtown parking – and much more.
Walkin’ In Memphis
Walking in Memphis is more than just a favorite song about our city. It is a great way to slow down and practice mindfulness and contribute to creating positive change and improving the environment. Let’s explore some of the health benefits of walking…in Memphis.
Commuting By Bus in Memphis
Commuting is a huge part of the American workweek, and public transportation plays a major role in getting us from point A to point B. Families, individuals, communities, and businesses all benefit from a good public transportation system. A lifeline for millions of Americans, it connects us to people, places, and possibilities. Public transportation eases traffic congestion, contributes to a cleaner environment, and is a safe and economical way to commute.
Benefits of Sustainable Commuting
The Commute Options initiative aims to reduce the number of single-occupancy vehicle commute trips in Memphis while increasing the usage of transit, carpooling, bicycling, and walking to work. But why should you consider alternative modes of commuting? Here are some alternative modes of commuting and some of the benefits of each.