Benefits of Biking to School with Your Kids

Life is busy and free moments are few and far between. So let’s make the most of the time we do have! Believe it or not, taking your kids to school is an easy way to work in some activities that don’t usually fit into your schedule. A great first step is changing up your car commute to a bicycle commute.  Here are some of the benefits you will start to see…

Preparation for the Day. Help your kids wake up their minds by bicycling to school! Starting your day with exercise is a great way to get endorphins running and give the brain a boost before learning begins.

Quality Time with Kids. One of the common arguments against kids cycling to school is the safety concern. The solution is easy and comes with its own benefits! Join your kids as they roll to school. On days when your children seem to go straight from school to activities to bed, bicycling as a family creates a block of protected time to spend together.

Built-in Exercise. The CDC recommends children ages 6 - 17 get 60 minutes of moderate exercise each day. Knock it out with an active commute! NACTO shared that each year, there are over 40 million chronic illnesses globally caused by inactivity. This is a statistic we can and should change! Encouraging your kids to bicycle to school creates space during busy days to get outside and get on the move. 

Reduced Traffic. This is a benefit for all! No one likes sitting in the carpool line, and bicycling to school means you can avoid it altogether. Instead of wasting time sitting still waiting for your turn, you can spend that time on the move benefiting from your commute! Plus, a smaller carpool line reduces overall congestion in your community and keeps streets from being backed up. 

Unwind from the Day. Meeting your kids after school to bicycle home is the perfect time to help your kids unwind from a long school day. Physically, it breaks up time when they are sitting still and gets them back on the move once more. Emotionally, it provides space for them to tell you about their day. Together, you can process the events and emotions that so often occur at school.  

Encouraging your kids to bicycle to school, and joining them in this commute, utilizes time that otherwise might be wasted. Plus, it offers personal and community benefits. Start slow. Set a goal of taking your kids to school via bicycle at least once a week. As you get more comfortable and fall into a routine, increase your goal! Don’t forget to share your commute on social media and tag Commute Options.


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