Bicycling In The Dark

Biking home after a long shift can be relaxing, but it is important to be prepared for your commute, especially at night. Bicycling in the dark can present a new set of obstacles for you and other bikers and drivers nearby. Here are a few suggestions to help you have a safer commute home from work:

Wear reflective devices or clothing.

When biking, making sure other people on the road can see you is key. Stand out to drivers, pedestrians, and fellow bikers by dressing in bright and reflective clothing. Invest in reflective vests and helmets, as well as neon colored garments and accessories. 

Light up your path.

Unlike cars, bikes do not typically have lights installed on them already. Before biking at night, make sure to add a headlight and rear lighting to your bicycle. Reflectors or flashing lights can be a great addition for your wheels or helmet. The extra glow will help notify drivers of your presence on the road, and make them aware of your location.

Bike defensively.

As a biker, it is crucial  to ride with awareness of what is going on around you. Defensive biking can place you in the best position when sharing the road with motor vehicle drivers who may not be on the lookout for bikers. Keep in mind that drivers may not be able to see you in the dark, even when you are wearing lights and reflective gear. Be prepared to get out of the way of parked and moving vehicles at any moment.

Plan your route in advance.

In comparison to your morning commute, landmarks at night will be easier to miss and harder to find. Avoid getting lost and save time getting home by planning your trip ahead of time. You can utilize a GPS to lead you in the right direction, or stick to well-lit roads to see street signs more clearly. It is also helpful to figure out construction zones and potential shortcuts before the sun goes down to avoid last-minute turnarounds and confusion in the dark.

Overall, biking home after a closing shift can be great, especially when you are set up for a safe and successful trip. Utilize and share these tips with your friends to ensure a better biking experience for all.


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