Bike Rack Install Resources
Memphis has several neighborhood schools with families living within a mile or two of the building. For these families, bicycling to school can be a safe and fun option, thanks to low-stress neighborhood streets and crossing guards at the large intersections closest to the school.
But what about the safety of bikes once students have arrived at school? Some schools have sturdy bike racks available, but others do not. Ensuring that schools have the proper bicycle infrastructure encourages students to pedal their way to and from class.
Commute Options had great success with an artful bike rack installation at Idlewild Elementary. You can learn more about it at StoryBoard Memphis and Facebook. We provided input to help administration, parents, and community members:
Utilize two car parking spaces for our bike rack, and use a third space to paint a needed buffer zone for a handicap parking space
Measure, clean, and prepare the space to be painted
Work with a local artist for the design
Paint the space in bright colors
Reinstall the bike rack
We are ready to help provide resources to any school interested in improving an on-site bike rack for students. Let us know how we can help you improve your school’s ability to keep bicycles safe.