All you need is a pair of comfortable walking shoes to put some pep in your step!
Did you know that almost a third of all car trips taken in the U.S. are a mile or less - the equivalent of a 20-minute walk? Shifting more of your trips to the sidewalk is easier than you might think and provides countless benefits to you and your community.
Walking to and from work not only reduces your carbon footprint, but it also helps improve your physical and mental health. Benefits of walking include weight loss, improved cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure, and a reduced risk of hypertension, osteoporosis, and type II diabetes. Hitting the pavement also offers psychological benefits by boosting endorphins, which helps reduce stress and improve mood, as well as improve your confidence and sense of wellbeing.
And, of course, walking is easier on your wallet, saving money on fuel, parking, and car maintenance.
Check on the air quality of Shelby County today and contribute to make it cleaner by riding your Commute Options. Check Air Quality.
Learn how much money you are spending by driving every day to work and how much you could be saving by using Commute options! Go to Calculator.
Track your fitness activity, record your run, map a cycling route, and analyze your training with all the stats - for free!
Neighborhood Walk & Roll Scavenger Hunt
A scavenger hunt designed to help kids learn more about waking safety in a fun and engaging way. Perfect for walking to school with your little ones.
Tips: Parking Lot Safety
One of the most important places to practice walking safety is in parking lots. Keep kids safe by reviewing our tips with them.
Tips: Street Crossing Safety
Help keep kids safe while crossing the street by sharing these helpful safety tips with them.
Tips: Walking Safety
Want to learn more about how to help your kids stay safe while walking to school? Check out our helpful tips.