Groove On-Demand: More Than a Rideshare
Groove On-Demand isn’t just any old rideshare! While most rideshare programs are privately owned and focused on profit, Groove On Demand is a means of public transit that aims to make commuting accessible and affordable! You can get anywhere in Downtown, the Medical District, South City, and New Chicago for only $1.25. This service creates a connection between schools, parks, restaurants, and so much more.
How to make Commuting Fun!
Commuting is often thought to be the “in-between” for activities: you commute because you simply need to get from point A to point B. Don’t get us wrong, commuting is about traveling between two points. But commuting can also be so much more!! Here are a few ways to make any commute fun.
Commute Options for College Students: Rhodes College
It’s time to face the facts: driving is TOO expensive! Purchasing a car is no small feat, and the expenses don’t stop there. Gas prices are constantly rising and car maintenance will put a significant dent in your wallet. College is a time of pinching pennies, and owning a car can make this pretty difficult. Enter Commute Options!
Create Your Own Bike Bus!
Despite the name, a bike bus doesn’t involve buses at all! It is a method of commuting to school where multiple kids bike together in a group. Bike buses are a safe and convenient means of transportation. Having 3+ kids bike together increases their visibility to cars, provides an opportunity to spend time with friends, and adds physical activity to a kid's day.
Keep Your Kid Entertained While Walking to School
One question will make every parent roll their eyes: “Are we there yet?!” Unfortunately, this age-old inquiry isn’t just limited to car commutes. Any time you are trying to get from point A to point B, kids are going to ask how long the trip will take. The best way to avoid the dreaded question is by keeping them engaged during your commute.
Commute Options for College Students
Finding the safest and most convenient way to get to school and around the neighborhood is a priority for all college students. This includes looking for ways to cut down on commute time and save money on gas. If you are looking for the best way to get to class and off-campus events, here are some options to explore.
All About School Buses
For parents who have driven their kids to school throughout elementary school, middle and high school bring new opportunities for students to take ownership of their day-to-day schedules. Riding the school bus is one simple way your child can foster a growing sense of responsibility and independence.
Five Ways to Stay Safe While Bicycling
Biking to work can be a great way to boost your energy, promote better health, and help the environment. Plus, you get to experience the great outdoors and sightsee along the way!
Tips and Tricks for a Successful Stroll to School
What better way to start your day than with some fresh air, especially during your morning commute? Before you are locked in a building all day, prepare to make the most of your trip with these tips for a safe and efficient walk to school.
All About Bike Shares
Let’s talk about a trend happening all over the world: bike shares! While the first bike share dates back to the 1960s, in recent years the programs have seen a significant upsurge, starting around 2010. The premise of bike share is simple: you can rent a bicycle for a few minutes, hours, or even a day, resulting in a low-cost option for commuting that doesn’t require an investment in expensive equipment. With a multitude of docking stations, your starting and stopping points don’t need to be the same, and you can create a plan based on the most convenient locations for you. Bike shares really are a “for the people” option of transportation. Low cost, low commitment, easy access.
Case Study: Sydney Sepulveda
Sydney Sepulveda is a superstar Program Manager with the Memphis Medical District Collaborative (MMDC). After purchasing her first adult bicycle in graduate school, the turquoise cruiser became her primary mode of transportation in no time. With a wicker basket up front and a rack in the back, Sydney was able to commute with any needed cargo on her beloved bicycle! Once or twice a week, Sydney commutes by bicycle – whether to work, run an errand, or go for an evening ride.
What Is Commute Options?
Historically, the city of Memphis has placed an emphasis on developing more convenient automotive transportation, with the downside of becoming a less walkable and transit-friendly community. Today, 80% of Memphians drive alone to and from work each day. We believe it is time to change this status quo. The drive-alone culture negatively impacts our local economy, communities, and environment while contributing to sprawl. Single-occupancy cars dominate the road, but it doesn’t have to be this way!
Carpool Tips
One of the best ways to get to work is with the company of a colleague or two. By riding together, you are reducing your carbon footprint, and gaining an opportunity to get to know each other. Here are some unique ways to break the ice, build your relationship, and make your group commutes more fun!
Case Study: Lauren’s Commute
Lauren Bermudez, Transportation Program Manager with Downtown Memphis Commission, has an unparalleled passion for commuting by bicycle! Her love of pedaling started in elementary school when she received a hand-me-down bicycle from her sister. Thinking back on the fond memories, Lauren recalls spending her summer exploring on that blue Walmart mountain bicycle. From that point on, it was nearly impossible to get her off of two wheels!
Taking the Trolley
Taking the trolley can be one of the coolest and quickest ways to get around Memphis, perfect for both sightseeing and as a way to arrive at your destination in style. Whenever you plan on catching your next ride, here are a few things you need to know about the Memphis trolleys.
ABC Spin Check
Have you ever started your bicycle commute and suddenly realized it is harder to pedal than it should be? Maybe your tires feel a little flat, or your wheels don’t feel steady. Not only does this impact your safety, but riding a bike that isn’t fully tuned can also shorten the lifespan of your bicycle.
Catch Up and Carpool
One of the best ways to get to work is with the company of a colleague or two. By riding together, you are reducing your carbon footprint, and gaining an opportunity to get to know each other. Here are some unique ways to break the ice, build your relationship, and make your group commutes more fun!
Case Study: Ms. Maurise McCraw
For most Memphians, Maurise McCraw is better known as “The Job Lady.” If you’ve ever been to 201 Poplar, chances are you’ve met this Memphis legend…or at least heard her! The star of many news stories, memes, and more, she travels throughout the building asking people if they are looking for a job. Clutching flyers for a variety of employment opportunities, she won’t let anyone unemployed leave the building without first having a slew of options. For 38 years, Ms. Maurice has faithfully shown up to volunteer her time to the city.
Riding in the Cold
Winters in the Mid-South can be an adventure! Although the temps are usually warm one day and chilly the next, we can count on at least a few weeks of toe-numbing weather. What do you do if you don’t want the arctic blast to keep you from commuting by bike? We’ve got the tips and tricks to keep you on track all winter long.